Unlike traditional or online marketing efforts, experiential marketing is a uniquely fast and effective way to build brand awareness through face-to-face connections with consumers. It engages all five senses, sparking emotions that form lasting memories which have been shown to drive brand loyalty.
Experiential marketing lets you connect with your customers in an authentic and relatable way, while building brand awareness and loyalty. You’ll be rewarded with deep consumer insights that could prove invaluable.
Your customers have the opportunity to interact with your brand and experience it in a way they could never do with traditional marketing, and you have the opportunity to create amazing experiences that build trust and loyalty with your current customers and entice future customers to learn more about your brand.
As experiential marketing gains traction, many definitions are starting to emerge. To simplify how we think about experiential marketing, here is our definition:
“Experiential marketing is an entire channel of marketing that involves any face-to-face or offline effort to raise brand awareness, create and nurture business opportunities and develop long-term customer loyalty. It is an essential part of the 360 omnichannel experience, in both an individual capacity (activations) and a collective one (the sum of those activations).”
Experiential marketing encompasses not just the face- to- face event itself, but also leading up to and coming out of the experience, event or activation.
“Think about it this way: live marketing focuses on people-to-people interactions, whereas experiential can include people-to-paper, people-to-radio, or some sort of in-person experience. Live marketing takes on a holistic approach to face-to-face advertising, whereas experiential can be very divided.”