AR/VR Solutions

What is AR/ VR ?


Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are immersive technologies that enable users to experience digitally rendered content in both physical and virtual space. In augmented reality, this content is overlaid onto a user’s physical surroundings using a head-mounted display (HMD), heads-up display (HUD), or mobile device (see below). In virtual reality, HMDs fully immerse users in a virtual space in which they can interact with digital content and users. Gaming and entertainment are the most visible uses for AR/VR, but these technologies also offer a wide range of potential use cases for businesses, governments, and consumers.


Researchers and engineers throughout the 20th century aspired to create immersive technology. In the 1960s, the U.S. military succeeded in using the first HMDs in immersive flight simulators, and by the 1990s, technology had advanced enough for manufacturers to offer the first consumer AR/VR devices. But the devices were too cumbersome and costly to gain widespread adoption. It has only been in the last decade that AR/VR innovation has advanced beyond hobbyist circles and high-tech industries.

Multiple innovations have accelerated AR/VR adoption. In particular, ubiquitous mobile phones with high-quality cameras and displays allow individuals to use AR/VR technology without having to invest in other expensive hardware. In addition, advancements in computing power and battery efficiency have made it possible to develop smaller, more cost-effective devices and produce high-quality, interactive content.

Virtual content has evolved due to advancements in 360-degree image capturing and high-resolution digital displays. While previous generations of immersive experiences were often unwieldly and disorienting, the screen resolution available on mobile and head-mounted devices today offer users much more realistic and engaging experiences. Creators can now seamlessly stitch together high-resolution, 360-degree images to develop quality immersive content at a relatively low cost.