3D holographic images are the future of the visual experience industry. MetaHive lets you create a 3D hologram that projects animated figures and images at eye level, fully interact with visitors and customers, creates branded image of your company or any product, and generates 3D content for your brand. Holograms have the power to reach a large audience without any limitations on geographic location or time. The 3D images offer customers an experience that they won’t forget. They create a personal connection and emotional bond with your brand. Our team can assist in the entire project, from planning to execution. Developed by MetaHive and designed exclusively for brands, this exciting medium is a perfect addition to your existing visual display strategies and can be used to attract customers and increase footfall.


  • Enhance Branding (Create buzz around your brand)
  • Draws Customer Attention
  • Increase Customer Engagement
  • Boost Footfall
  • Increase in Social media share